Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Guess What?

Do you remember my review for Diagnosis Death by Richard L. Mabry. M.D.?  Well, apparently he read my review and commented on it!  ARGH and I are so thrilled!

 I know it's so shallow but this is the first ever comment I got from an author.  And to quote him:
"Nina, So very glad you liked Diagnosis Death. I hope you'll enjoy the other books in the Prescription for Trouble series as well. Thanks for your kind words."

I swear I'm going to ask him for an interview!


  1. wow! congrats! you should also ask for interviews Nina! I only have one author interview: Erica Spindler. i hope i can interview more authors this year! :-)

  2. Thank you! He already replied to my request and he agreed to an interview but asked to hold it off until the release of his book :D

    So excited!


I just have to tell you, ARGH feeds on awesomeness, so if you can, drop him some awesome here, and I promise to give some awesome back :D

Right now, because of my really busy schedule, I'm cutting back on receiving awards. So until further notice, me and ARGH would not be accepting awards. But thank you for thinking of us, we really appreciate it!