We all love our books, and we want them to have the best shelves ever. Also, this is a new way to sort of show off your book collection, along with your funky shelves.
ARGH thought fitting himself in the bookshelf will help him sleep.
Hi everyone! My name is Tessa. I’m fourteen years old and an eighth grader in middle school. I’ll be going into high school this coming fall. I love to run and I’m in track and cross-country. I’m more of a long-distance runner, with my main events being the 3000m race and the 1500m race, but I enjoy sprints as well.
Some random facts about me:
-I’m the youngest of three.
-I love, love, love the color teal.
-My grandpa was the one who got me to start a blog. Intrigued? :)
-I could eat cookies ‘n’ cream ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
-Italian food is my favorite, especially lasagna. Did I mention I like food?
Now enough about me, let me tell you a bit about my shelves. I actually got my shelves from a Borders store that was closing nearby me. It was the last day they were open so there wasn’t too much left. Luckily, I was able to buy four bookshelves from Borders for really cheap. The funny thing is, when I got home only two would fit in my room.
The feature I love most about my bookshelves is that they’re pretty tall and they’re double-sided. It’s cool, because it feels like I’m in a library or bookstore when I go between them. And I get double the shelf space, which I could always use more of.

This is what the front of my main shelf looks like. The top shelf holds my books that are in a series, and are a mix of paperback and hardcover. For some reason I just don’t like having a series with both paperbacks and hard covers. I’d rather have only one or the other. Next, my second shelf consists of my hardcover books. Then, my third shelf has all of my paperbacks that are in a series. Finally, my last shelf holds my paperbacks (some might also be in a series, but I just don’t own the rest yet). Other than that, I tend to organize my books by the ones that jut out the most on the far-left, and the rest just by the jacket color in an order that pleases the eye. I know, a bit complicated and quirky, but it works out great!
Another shot of my bookshelf.
This is what the front side of my other shelf looks like. On the left side of the top shelf are books that I’ve borrowed from my family or friends that I still need to read. On the right side of the top shelf are books that I have read but still need to write reviews for. I always tend to fall behind :p My second shelf holds all of my books that I have bought and still need to read. I really need to start reading all of these! All of my ARC’s and books sent to me by publishers are on the third shelf. Plus my painted ceramics and little chotchkies are on this shelf as well.

My mom made this for me, and it fits perfectly on the top of my shelf. The letters spell the name of my blog, From The Bookshelf of T.B. It was extremely thoughtful and sweet of her to make it for me. I love seeing it everyday as a reminder on top of my bookshelves.
So that basically sums up what my shelves are all about! Thank you so much Nina (and ARGH!) for this wonderful opportunity! It was a lot of fun, and I hope you all enjoyed seeing my shelves. I hope to have even more books filling them soon!
Eating ice cream the whole day! I would love to try that some time!
Those are very nice book shelves you have there, Tessa! They give this library feel which I'm sure most book lovers are crazy about! Lucky you to be able to snag these shelves from Borders. I'm sure a lot of the readers out there are now planning to scour their area for book stores about to close to get a couple of shelves (on one hand, I hate it when book stores close shop, but I love it when they sell their store equipment, especially the shelves and tables!).
And that name thing is awesome, your mother is very creative! Same goes for those bookends. Your having a grandpa who would tell you to go make a blog about your books is amazing, I wish all grandparents are like that. You have a really cool family, I can tell! :D
Thank you so much for sharing your bookshelves with us, Tessa!
Think this is a great idea? Want to have your shelves featured? Then fill out this form and ARGH and I will email you for details on how to be a movie star - er, how to be featured on Shelf Saturday :D